Classic Ramsay Hunt syndrome is ascribed to infection of the geniculate ganglion by herpesvirus 3 (varicella-zoster virus [VZV]).

*Patients usually present with paroxysmal pain deep within the ear. The pain often radiates outward into the pinna of the ear and may be associated with a more constant, diffuse, and dull background pain.
*The onset of pain usually precedes the rash by several hours and even days.
*Classic Ramsay Hunt syndrome can be associated with the following:
-Vesicular rash of the ear or mouth (as many as 83% of cases),The rash might precede the onset of facial paresis/palsy.
-Ipsilateral lower motor neuron facial paresis/palsy (CN VII)
-Vertigo and ipsilateral hearing loss (CN VII)
-Fever,Cervical adenopathy.
*Facial weakness usually reaches maximum severity by one week after the onset of symptoms.
*Other cranial neuropathies might be present and may involve cranial nerves (CNs) VIII, IX, X, V, and VI.
*Ipsilateral hearing loss has been reported in as many as 50% of cases.
*Blisters of the skin of the ear canal, auricle, or both may become secondarily infected, causing cellulitis.
.The primary physical findings in classic Ramsay Hunt syndrome include peripheral facial nerve paresis with associated rash or herpetic blisters in the distribution of the nervus intermedius.
.The location of the accompanying rash varies from patient to patient, as does the area innervated by the nervus intermedius. It may include the following:
1.Anterior two thirds of the tongue
2.Soft palate
3.External auditory canal
.The patient may have associated ipsilateral hearing loss and balance problems.
.A thorough physical examination must be performed, including neuro-otologic and audiometric assessment.