Causes of Calcified Liver Masses on CT

1- Inflammatory hepatic lesions

oMost common cause of calcified hepatic lesions

. Inflammatory conditions

  • For example, granulomatous diseases (tuberculosis).
  • Calcification involves entire lesion
  • Appears as a dense mass
. May produce artifacts on CT scans

o Echinococcus cysts have curvilinear or ring calcification

. Central water density in cyst

2- Benign neoplasms

o Hemangiomas, especially large ones, may contain large, coarse calcifications; may be seen at CT in 20% of cases or radiography in 10%

3- Malignant liver neoplasms

o Hepatocellular adenoma

. Calcifications may be solitary or multiple

. Usually located eccentrically within complex heterogeneous mass.

o Fibrolamellar carcinoma

. Calcifications reported in 15%-25% of cases at CT

. Occurs in many patterns

o Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma

. Calcifications are typically accompanied by a desmoplastic reaction

. Visible at CT in about 18% of cases.

o Calcified hepatic metastases

. Most frequently associated with mucin-producing neoplasms such as colon, or less likely ovarian, carcinoma

Calcified liver and peritoneal metastases from ovarian carcinoma